CHEKMAN Analog Multimeter TM-502TR
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CHEKMAN Analog Multimeter TM-502TR
Continuity Test (Buzzer and LED)
Output terminal ? easy to detect signals from electronic circuits, etc
Meta protection and resistance damage prevention
Direct reading of transistors DC current amplification
DC Voltage : 0-0.25-2.5-10-50-250-1000V(20?/V) ?4%F.S
DC A : 0-50?-2.5?-25?-250?-10A ?4%F.S
AC Voltage : 0-10-50-250-1000V (9?/V) ?5%F.S
Ohms : 0-2?-20?-200?-2?-20? ?4%F.S
Decibels : -10??+22?(AC10V)?+62?
LI : 0-150?-1.5?-15?-150?
LV : 0-3V
hFE (TR) : 0-1000
Continuity : Beeper (50? or less) LED light (at below 10?)
Power Source : R6(1.5V)?2, 6F22(9V)?1
Size and Weight : 150?100?38? Approx, 260g(NET)
Accessories : Test leads, Carrying case